Thank-you so very much for all your kind donations, it is amazing how generous you all are and we really truly cannot thank you enough.
We exceeded our goal of raising $5000 dollars and we are so grateful. At the end of April Kevan will attend the course at the Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia, and Archie will begin the Aspirant treatment program. The remainder of the money we raised will be going towards a special needs car seat, supplies for building a huge light box, musical therapy, private physio therapy, Cranial Sacral therapy, Brain Gym Course for mom, and books. Due to the severity of Archie’s severe brain injury there are private therapy clinics that specifically address brain injuries, however these are not covered by Health Canada. We are going to be opening a trust fund for Archie for the long haul of rehabilitation and therapies for the future.
Donations can be made through the website, and the Trust Fund Information will be updated shortly.