On Saturday February 27th, the village of Kippen came out to support Archie’s on going ABR therapy at Kippen Village Hall. It was an absolutely fabulous evening! The night kicked off with the very talented Murray O’May piping everyone in, a live & silent Auction, and the Amazing Neil MacEachern Ceilidh Band got everyone up and dancing. The highlight of the evening though was when Georgina (Archie’s big sister) took the stage and touched everyone’s heart by singing 2 songs. Over a 100 friends and family came out for the evening and showed their love towards Archie. Kevan and I were completely blown away by everyone’s kindness and support. It touched both of our hearts in so many ways.
The evening was such a huge success! We raised nearly £7000!! We started ABR, Advanced Biochemical Rehabilitation in October 2014. We had researched the therapy for quite awhile and were very excited to find that it was being offered in Scotland. ABR is a home based gentle hands on therapy that strengthens the body core of the child with cerebral palsy improving the child’s posture and functional abilities. ABR uses very slow compressional movements to force the cells in weak parts of the body to reproduce and strengthen. The process works at a much deeper level than physiotherapy and with a lot of work returns bone and muscle to their correct positions; that way reducing then eliminating spastic muscle spasm and pain. ABR strengthens the chest and lungs, reverses scoliosis, increases mobility in the spine, improves digestion, stopping reflux and constipation, removal of pain and much more.
When we started ABR, Archie was very poorly and we were very worried about him. He wasn’t thriving at all, a few months before he started having tonic clonic seizures (grand mal) and was averaging about 20-30 a day, he was in very serious critical condition. Within a month of starting ABR his seizures reduced down to maybe 1-2 a day, then he went 8 weeks without having one. It was incredible. and we were so relieved that it was working. ABR training is 3 times a year, we learn new exercises each session and get trained so we can do his therapy at home. 6 hours of training costs a whopping £2300, and £5300 for the year. We couldn’t possible afford to continue the therapy without fundraising, and we are so grateful for all the support the last few years. Last year we had his first yearly assessment and the changes in Archie’s structure were mind blowing.
We succeeded our total for the year so the extra money has been put into a trust fund for anything else Archie needs throughout the year. Osteopathy, Reiki, or any equipment and for next years therapy.
Kevan and I would like to thank everyone for helping make the night possible. A huge thank you to the fundraiser team of ladies for everything, we couldn’t of pulled it off without you. Thank you to everyone for believing in Archie and for all the love and support!!!